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Complete list of all metrics included in our templates
Complete list of all metrics included in our templates

In this article, you will find all of the metrics included in all of our existing templates.

Rad Basta avatar
Written by Rad Basta
Updated over a week ago

We really hope this will give you a bit more insight into which templates you should use for your client reporting.

So feel free to use CTRL+F or CMD+F, if you're on a Mac, and see which metrics are located in which templates. Happy scouting and reporting!


General Website Traffic Report

Website Traffic Data

Total Visits (All Traffic)

Total Pageviews (All Traffic)

Bounce Rate (All Traffic)

Bounce Rate (All Traffic)

Pages per Visit (All Traffic)

Average Page Load (sec) (All Traffic)

Visits Sources

Google Search Console Data

Google Searches by Queries

Visits by Device Type (All Traffic)

Visits by Gender (All Traffic)

Visits by Age (All Traffic)

Visits by User Type (All Traffic)

Landing Page Performance (Organic Traffic)

Average Time on Site (All Traffic)

Conversions (All Traffic)

Conversion Rate (All Traffic)

Top Referrers

Source/Medium Report

E-Commerce Report

Website Traffic Data

Total Visits (All Traffic)

Total Pageviews (All Traffic)

Bounce Rate (All Traffic)

Pages per Visit (All Traffic)

Average Page Load (sec) (All Traffic)

Visits Sources

Visits by Device Type (All Traffic)

Visits by Gender (All Traffic)

Visits by Age (All Traffic)

Visits by User Type (All Traffic)

Landing Page Performance (Organic Traffic)

Average Time on Site (All Traffic)

Conversions (All Traffic)

Conversion Rate (All Traffic)

Top Referers

Source/Medium Report

E-Commerce Data

Revenue per Channel

E-Commerce Conversion Rate

Revenue (All Traffic)

Marketing Channels Performance

Transactions per Channel

Transactions (All Traffic)

Revenue per Transaction (All Traffic)

Revenue per Country (All Traffic)

Revenue per City (All Traffic)

Revenue per Gender (All Traffic)

Revenue per Age Group (All Traffic)

Shopping Behavior (All Traffic)

Shopping Behavior per Product

Top Selling Products (All Traffic)

Top Selling Sources (All Traffic)

Top Selling Source/Medium Report

Product Performance

Average Order Value

Top Performing Coupons

Top Performing Campaigns

Sales Performance Report (Transaction ID)

E-Commerce & SEO Report

Total Sessions (All Traffic)

Bounce Rate: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Pages per Visit: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Pageviews: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Average Page Load (sec): All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Domain Rank

Referal Domains

Visits Sources

Conversions: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Average Time on Site: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Conversion Rate: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Visits by User Type (All Traffic)

Organic Visits by User Type (Organic Traffic)

Visits by Gender (All Traffic)

Organic visits by Gender (Organic Traffic)

Visits by Device Type (All Traffic)

Organic Visits by Device Type (Organic Traffic)

Visits by Age (All Traffic)

Landing Page Performance (Organic Traffic)

Organic Visits by Age (Organic Traffic)

Average Page Load by Browser (sec) (Organic Traffic)

Top Referers

Source/Medium Report

Keyword Tracking

Google Search Console Data

Google Searches by Keywords

Keyword Ranking (Rank Ranger)

Google My Business data

Google Business Listing 1

Google Business Listing 2

Google Business Listing 3

Referral Links Overview

Published Articles

SE Ranking

Position (SE Ranking)

Keywords Position (SE Ranking)

E-Commerce Data

Revenue per Channel

E-Commerce Conversion Rate

Revenue (All Traffic)

Marketing Channels Performance

Transactions per Channel

Transactions: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Revenue per Transaction (All Traffic)

Revenue per Country (All Traffic)

Revenue per Country (Organic Traffic)

Revenue per City (All Traffic)

Revenue per City (Organic Traffic)

Revenue per Gender (All Traffic)

Revenue per Gender (Organic Traffic)

Revenue per Age Group (All Traffic)

Revenue per Age Group (Organic Traffic)

Shopping Behavior (All Traffic)

Shopping Behavior (Organic Traffic)

Shopping Behavior per Product

Top Selling Products (All Traffic)

Top Selling Products (Organic Traffic)

Top Selling Sources (All Traffic)

Top Selling Source/Medium Report

Conversion Performance / Sessions with Conversions

Top Selling Sources (Organic Traffic)

Product Performance

Average Order Value

Top Performing Coupons

Sales Performance Report (Transaction ID)

Top Performing Campaigns


Basic SEO Report

Website Traffic Data

Total Visits: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Pages per Visit: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Bounce Rate: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Average Page Load (sec): All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Pageviews: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Referal Domains

Domain Rank

Visits Sources

Average Time on Site: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Visits by User Type (All Traffic)

Organic Visits by User Type (Organic Traffic)

Visits by Device Type (All Traffic)

Organic Visits by Device Type (Organic Traffic)

Visits by Gender (All Traffic)

Organic visits by Gender (Organic Traffic)

Visits by Age (All Traffic)

Landing Page Performance (Organic Traffic)

Organic Visits by Age (Organic Traffic)

Average Page Load by Browser (sec) (Organic Traffic)

Top Referers

Conversions: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Source/Medium Report

Conversion Rate: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Keyword Tracking

Google Search Console Data

Google Searches by Queries

Google Business data

Keyword Ranking (Rank Ranger)

Google Business Listing 1

Google Business Listing 2

Google Business Listing 3

Referral Links Overview

Published Articles

SE Ranking

Position (SE Ranking)

Keywords Position (SE Ranking)

E-Commerce & SEO Report

Total Sessions (All Traffic)

Bounce Rate: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Pages per Visit: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Pageviews: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Average Page Load (sec): All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Domain Rank

Referal Domains

Visits Sources

Conversions: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Average Time on Site: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Conversion Rate: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Visits by User Type (All Traffic)

Organic Visits by User Type (Organic Traffic)

Visits by Gender (All Traffic)

Organic visits by Gender (Organic Traffic)

Visits by Device Type (All Traffic)

Organic Visits by Device Type (Organic Traffic)

Visits by Age (All Traffic)

Landing Page Performance (Organic Traffic)

Organic Visits by Age (Organic Traffic)

Average Page Load by Browser (sec) (Organic Traffic)

Top Referers

Source/Medium Report

Keyword Tracking

Google Search Console Data

Google Searches by Keywords

Keyword Ranking (Rank Ranger)

Google My Business data

Google Business Listing 1

Google Business Listing 2

Google Business Listing 3

Referral Links Overview

Published Articles

SE Ranking

Position (SE Ranking)

Keywords Position (SE Ranking)

E-Commerce Data

Revenue per Channel

E-Commerce Conversion Rate

Revenue (All Traffic)

Marketing Channels Performance

Transactions per Channel

Transactions: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Revenue per Transaction (All Traffic)

Revenue per Country (All Traffic)

Revenue per Country (Organic Traffic)

Revenue per City (All Traffic)

Revenue per City (Organic Traffic)

Revenue per Gender (All Traffic)

Revenue per Gender (Organic Traffic)

Revenue per Age Group (All Traffic)

Revenue per Age Group (Organic Traffic)

Shopping Behavior (All Traffic)

Shopping Behavior (Organic Traffic)

Shopping Behavior per Product

Top Selling Products (All Traffic)

Top Selling Products (Organic Traffic)

Top Selling Sources (All Traffic)

Top Selling Source/Medium Report

Conversion Performance / Sessions with Conversions

Top Selling Sources (Organic Traffic)

Product Performance

Average Order Value

Top Performing Coupons

Sales Performance Report (Transaction ID)

Top Performing Campaigns

Local SEO Report

Website Traffic Data

Total Visits: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Pages per Visit: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Bounce Rate: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Pageviews: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Referal Domains

Domain Rank

Visits Sources

Visits by User Type (All Traffic)

Landing Page Performance (Organic Traffic)

Top Referers

Conversions: All Traffic vs Organic Traffic

Source/Medium Report

Google Search Console

Google Search Console Data

Google Searches by Queries

RankRanger Keywords Rankings Data

Keyword Ranking (Rank Ranger)

Google My Business Data

Google Business Listing 1

Google Business Listing 2

Google Business Listing 3 - Created Backlinks Overview

Published Articles

SE Ranking

Position (SE Ranking)

Keywords Position (SE Ranking)

Keyword Ranking Avg.






Average CPC

All Conversions

Average Position

Average Position

Search Impression Share

Segmentation Per Devices

Impressions per Device

Search Impression Share

Clicks per Device

CTR per Device

Average CPC per Device

Costs per Device

Average Position per Device

Segmentation Per Networks / Google Search vs Search Partners

Impressions Google Search vs Search Partners

Clicks: Google Search vs Search Partners

CTR Search vs Partners

Average CPC Google vs Partners

Costs Google Search vs Search Partners

Average Position Google Search vs Search Partners

Campaigns Breakdown

Campaign Performance

Cost per Campaign

Impressions per Campaign

Clicks per Campaign

CTR per Campaign

Average CPC per Campaign

Average Position per Campaign

All Conversions per Campaign

Cost per All Conversions per Campaign

Keywords Breakdown

Keywords 1/2

Keywords 2/2

Search Impression Share per Campaign

Lost Impressions Share per Campaign

Ad Group Breakdown

Ad Group Performance

Conversion Breakdown

Conversion Performance



All Conversions

Cost per All Conversion

Ad Impressions

Video Views

View Rate (Interaction Rate)

Average CPC / CPM / CPV


Video Played To 25%

Video Played To 50%

Video Played To 75%

Video Played To 100%

Campaign Performance

Conversion Performance



All Conversions

Cost per All Conversion

Ad Impressions

Video Views

View Rate (Interaction Rate)

Average CPC / CPM / CPV


Video Played To 25%

Video Played To 50%

Video Played To 75%

Video Played To 100%

Campaign Performance

Conversion Performance



Average CTR

Average CPC

Installation Rate (Conversion Rate)

CPI (Cost per Conversion)


Impressions / Clicks / Installations per Network

Impressions / Clicks / Installs / CPI per Network

Impressions per Device Type

Clicks per Device Type

Installations per Device Type

Average CTR per Device Type

Average CPC per Device Type

Average Install Conversion Rate per Device Type

Average CPI per Device Type

LinkedIn Paid Report




Landing Page Clicks

Total vs. Other Engagements

Viral Total vs. Viral Other Engagements

Likes / Shares / Followers / Comments

Viral Likes / Shares / Followers / Comments

One Click Leads / One Click Lead Form Opens

Viral One Click Leads / One Click Lead Form Opens

Lead Generation Mail Contact Info Shares

Lead Generation Mail Contact Info Clicks

Website Visits from LinkedIn

LinkedIn Social & Paid Report




Page Views

Engagement Rate


Impressions vs Unique Impressions

Unique Impressions

Total Page Views vs. Desktop Page Views vs. Mobile Page Views



Comment Mentions

Share Mentions

Total Unique Page Views vs. Unique Desktop Page Views vs. Unique Mobile Page Views




External Web Conversions



Viral Engagements

Likes / Shares / Follows / Comments

Viral Likes / Shares / Follows / Comments

One Click Leads

Viral One Click Leads

Landing Page Clicks

Facebook & Instagram Ads Conversion Report

Daily Spend

Daily Adds to Cart

Daily Adds of Payment Info

Daily Adds to Wishlist

Daily Mobile App Installs

Daily Checkouts Initiated

Daily Content Views

Daily Landing Page Views

Daily Leads

Daily Leads (Form)

Daily ROAS

Daily Purchases

Daily Registrations Completed (old)

Daily Registrations Completed

Monthly Spend

Monthly Adds to Cart

Monthly Adds of Payment Info

Monthly Adds to Wishlist

Monthly App Installs

Monthly Checkouts Initiated

Monthly Content Views

Monthly Landing Page Views

Monthly Leads

Monthly Leads (Form)

Monthly ROAS

Monthly Purchases

Monthly Registrations Completed (old)

Monthly Registrations Completed

Daily Performance Table

Monthly Performance Table

Campaign Performance Table

Ad Set Performance Report

Ad Performance Report

Age Performance Table

Gender Performance Table

Impression Device Performance Table

Publisher Platform Performance Table

Country Performance Table

Region Performance Table

Facebook & Instagram Ads Ecommerce Report

Daily Purchases

Daily Adds to Cart

Daily Spend

Daily Cost per Purchase

Daily Purchase Value

Daily ROAS

Daily Purchases / ROI

Monthly Purchases

Monthly Adds to Cart

Monthly Spend

Monthly Cost per Purchase

Monthly Purchase Value

Monthly ROAS

Monthly Purchases / ROI

Purchases per Campaign - Bar Chart

Spend per Campaign

Cost per Purchase by Campaign

Purchase Value per Campaign - Bar Chart

ROAS per Campaign

Daily Performance Table

Daily Ecommerce Performance Table

Monthly Performance Table

Monthly Ecommerce Performance Table

Campaign Performance Table

Campaign Ecommerce Performance Table

Ad Set Performance Table

Ad Set Ecommerce Performance Table

Ad Performance Table

Ad Ecommerce Performance Table

Age Performance Table

Age Ecommerce Performance Table

Gender Performance Report

Gender Ecommerce Performance Table

Country Performance Table

Country Ecommerce Performance Table

Region Performance Table

Region Ecommerce Performance Table

Device Performance Table

Device Ecommerce Performance Table

Device Platform Performance Table

Device Platform Ecommerce Performance Table

Publisher Platform Performance Table

Publisher Platform Ecommerce Performance Table

Facebook & Instagram Ads Engagement Report

ENGAGEMENT: Page Post, Messaging  & Awareness

Daily Page Engagement

Daily Page Likes

Daily Post Comments

Daily Post Engagement

Daily Post Reactions

Daily Post Saves

Daily Photo Views

Daily Event Responses

Daily Check-ins

Daily New Messaging Connections

Daily Estimated Ad Recall Lift

Daily Blocked Messaging Connections


Monthly Page Engagement

Monthly Page Likes

Monthly Post Comments

Monthly Post Engagement

Monthly Post Reactions

Monthly Post Saves

Monthly Photo Views

Monthly Event Responses

Monthly Check-ins


Monthly New Messaging Connections

Monthly Estimated Ad Recall Lift

Monthly Blocked Messaging Connections

Daily 3 sec Video Views

Daily 10 sec Video Views

Daily ThruPlays

Daily Video Average Watch Time

Daily Video Watched Percentage

Monthly 3 sec Video Views

Monthly Video Watched Percentage

Monthly 10 sec Video Views

Monthly ThruPlays

Monthly Video Average Watch Time


Daily Link Clicks

Daily Unique Link Clicks

Daily Outbound Clicks

Daily Unique Outbound Clicks

Daily Spend

Daily Landing Page Views

Monthly Link Clicks

Monthly Unique Link Clicks

Monthly Outbound Clicks

Monthly Unique Outbound Clicks

Monthly Spend

Monthly Landing Page Views

Spend per Campaign

Post Engagement per Campaign

Cost per Post Engagement by Campaign

Daily Performance Table 1/2

Daily Performance Table 2/2

Monthly Performance Table 1/2

Monthly Performance Table 2/2

Campaign Performance Table 1/2

Campaign Performance Table 2/2

Ad Set Performance Table 1/2

Ad Set Performance Table 2/2

Ad Performance Table 1/2

Ad Performance Table 2/2

Age Performance Table 1/2

Age Performance Table 2/2

Gender Performance Table 1/2

Gender Performance Table 2/2

Impression Device Performance Table 1/2

Impression Device Performance Table 2/2

Publisher Platform Performance Table 1/2

Publisher Platform Performance Table 2/2

Country Performance Table 1/2

Country Performance Table 2/2

Region Performance Table 1/2

Region Performance Table 2/2

Facebook & Instagram Ads Lead Generation Report

Monthly Spend

Monthly Leads

Monthly Cost per Lead

Monthly Leads (Form)

Monthly Cost per Lead  (Forms)

Monthly New Messaging connections

Monthly Cost per New Messaging connection

Monthly Messaging Conversations Started

Monthly Cost per Messaging Conversation Started

Daily Spend

Daily Leads

Daily Cost per Lead

Daily Leads (Form)

Daily Cost per Lead  (Forms)

Daily New Messaging connections

Daily Cost per New Messaging connection

Daily Messaging Conversations Started

Daily Cost per Messaging Conversation Started

Spend per Campaign

Leads per Campaign

Leads (Forms) per Campaign

Cost per Lead per Campaign

Cost per Lead (Form) per Campaign

Leads per Ad Set

Leads (Form) per Ad Set

Leads per Age Group

Leads (Form) per Age Group

Leads per Gender

Leads (Forms) per Gender

Monthly Performance Table

Daily Performance Table

Campaign Performance Table

Ad Set Performance Report

Ad Performance Report

Age Performance Table

Gender Performance Table

Impression Device Performance Table

Publisher Platform Performance Table

Country Performance Table

Region Performance Table

Facebook & Instagram Ads Mobile App Install Report

Monthly Spend

Monthly Mobile App Install

Monthly Cost per Mobile App Install

Daily Spend

Daily Mobile App Install

Daily Cost per Mobile App Install

Android Mobile App Installs by Month

Mobile App Installs per Campaign

Spend per Campaign

Cost per Mobile App Installs by Campaign

Mobile App Installs per Ad Set

Mobile App Installs per Age Group

Mobile App Installs per Gender

Monthly Performance Table

Daily Performance Table

Campaign Performance Table

Ad Set Performance Report

Ad Performance Report

Age Performance Table

Gender Performance Table

Impression Device Performance Table

Publisher Platform Performance Table

Country Performance Table

Region Performance Table

iOS Mobile App Installs by Month

Monthly Spend

Monthly Mobile App Install

Monthly Cost per Mobile App Install

Daily Spend

Daily Mobile App Install

Daily Cost per Mobile App Install

Android Mobile App Installs by Month

Mobile App Installs per Campaign

Spend per Campaign

Cost per Mobile App Installs by Campaign

Mobile App Installs per Ad Set

Mobile App Installs per Age Group

Mobile App Installs per Gender

Monthly Performance Table

Daily Performance Table

Campaign Performance Table

Ad Set Performance Report

Ad Performance Report

Age Performance Table

Gender Performance Table

Impression Device Performance Table

Publisher Platform Performance Table

Country Performance Table

Region Performance Table

iOS Mobile App Installs by Month

Facebook & Instagram Ads Traffic Report

Daily Link Clicks

Daily CPC (Link Click)

Daily CTR (Link Click)

Daily Unique Link Clicks

Daily Cost per Unique Link Click

Daily Landing Page Views

Daily Unique CTR (Link Clicks)

Daily Cost per Landing Page Views

Daily Spend

Monthly Link Clicks

Monthly CPC (Link Click)

Monthly CTR (Link Click)

Monthly Unique Link Clicks

Monthly Cost per Unique Link Click

Monthly Unique CTR (Link Clicks)

Monthly Landing Page Views

Monthly Cost per Landing Page Views

Monthly Spend

Spend per Campaign

Link Clicks per Campaign

CPC (Link Clicks) per Campaign

Landing Page Views per Campaign

Daily Performance Table

Monthly Performance Table

Campaign Performance Table

Ad Set Performance Table

Ad Performance Table

Age Performance Table

Gender Performance Table

Impression Device Performance Table

Publisher Platform Performance Table

Country Performance Table

Region Performance Table

Facebook & Instagram Ads Video Report

Daily Video Stats

Daily 3 sec Video Views

Daily 10 sec Video Views

Daily ThruPlays

Daily Spend

Daily Post Comments

Daily Post Reactions

Daily Post Saves

Daily Video Metrics

Daily Video Percentage Watched

Monthly Video Stats

Daily Link Clicks

Monthly 3 sec Video Views

Monthly 10 sec Video Views

Monthly ThruPlays

Monthly Spend

Monthly Post Comments

Monthly Post Reactions

Monthly Video Metrics

Monthly Video Percentage Watched

Monthly Post Saves

Monthly Link Clicks

Monthly Video Average Watch Time

Spend per Campaign

3 sec Video Views per Campaign

Cost per 3 sec Video View by Campaign

10 sec Video Views per Campaign

Cost per 10 sec Video View by Campaign

ThruPlays per Campaign

Cost per ThruPlay by Campaign

Monthly Video Performance Table 1/2

Monthly Video Performance Table 2/2

Daily Video Performance Table 1/2

Daily Video Performance Table 2/2

Campaign Video Performance Table 1/2

Campaign Video Performance Table 2/2

Ad Set Video Performance Table 1/2

Ad Set Video Performance Table 2/2

Ad Video Performance Table 1/2

Ad Video Performance Table 2/2

Age Video Performance Table 1/2

Age Video Performance Table 2/2

Gender Video Performance Table 1/2

Gender Video Performance Table 2/2

Impression Device Video Performance Table 1/2

Impression Device Video Performance Table 2/2

Publisher Platform Video Performance Table 1/2

Publisher Platform Video Performance Table 2/2

Country Video Performance Table 1/2

Country Video Performance Table 2/2

Region Video Performance Table 1/2

Region Video Performance Table 2/2




Average CPC

Average CPM


All Conversions

All Conversion Rate

Cost per All Conversion

Segmentation Per Device

Impressions per Device

Clicks per Device

CTR per Device

Average CPC per Device

Cost per Device

All Conversions per Device

Segmentation Per Ad Type

CTR per Ad Type

Impressions per Ad Type

Clicks per Ad Type

Average CPC per Ad Type

Total Cost per Ad Type

All Conversions per Ad Type

Campaigns Breakdown

Campaign Performance

Cost per Campaign

Impressions per Campaign

Clicks per Campaign

CTR per Campaign

Average CPC per Campaign

All Conversions per Campaign

Cost per All Conversion per Campaign

Conversion Breakdown

Conversion Performance

Ad Group Breakdown

Ad Group Performance

Ad Breakdown

Ad Performance

Ultimate Google Ads Report

Interactions (Clicks/Views) (Account)

Average Cost Per Click (CPC) (Account)

Cost (Account)

Impressions (Account)

Cost per Campaign (Account)

All Conversions (Account)

All Conversion Rate (Account)

Cost per All Conversion (Account)

Channel Breakdown (Account)

Campaign Breakdown (Account)

Ad Group Breakdown (Account)

Keywords Breakdown 1/2 (Account)

Keywords Breakdown 2/2 (Account)

Conversion Breakdown (Account)

Search Campaign - Google Ads

Search Overview

Clicks (Search)

CTR (Search)

Average Cost Per Click (CPC) (Search)

Impressions (Search)

Average Position (Search)

Cost (Search)

Cost per (all) Conversion (Search)

Search Impression Share

Search Budget Lost Imp. Share

Conversion Rate (Search)

All Conversions (Search)

Conversion Value / Conversions (all) (Search)

Cost per Campaign (Search)

Campaign Breakdown (Search)

Ad Group Breakdown (Search)

Keywords Breakdown 1/2 (Search)

Keywords Breakdown 2/2 (Search)

Conversion Breakdown (Search)

Google Display Overview

Clicks (Display)

Ad Impressions (Display)

CTR (Display)

Average Cost Per Click (CPC) (Display)

Clicks Per Device (Display)

Impressions Per Device (Display)

Cost (Display)

Average CPM (Display)

Cost Per Conversion (All) (Display)

Cost per Campaign (Display)

Conversions (All) (Display)

Ad Group Breakdown (Display)

Campaign Breakdown (Display)

Conversion Rate (Display)

All Conversion Value (Display)

Ad Breakdown (Display)

Conversion Breakdown (Display)

Video (YouTube) Overview

Clicks (Video)

Impressions (Video)

Views (Interactions) (Video)

Cost (Video)

All Conversions (Video)

Cost per All Conversions (Video)

View rate (Video)

Cost per Campaign (Video)

Average CPV / CPC / CPM (Video)

Video Played to 25% (Video)

Video Played to 50% (Video)

Video Played to 75% (Video)

Campaign Breakdown (Video)

Conversion Breakdown (Video)

Google Shopping Overview - Google Ads

Video Played to 100% (Video)

Clicks (Shopping)

Impressions (Shopping)

CTR (Shopping)

Average CPC (Shopping)

Cost (Shopping)

Conversions (All) (Shopping)

Conversion Rate (All) (Shopping)

Cost Per (All) Conversion (Shopping)

All Conversion Value (Shopping)

Cost per Campaign (Shopping)

Campaign Breakdown (Shopping)

Ad Group Breakdown (Shopping)

Ad Breakdown (Shopping)

Conversion Breakdown (Shopping)

Google Universal App Campaign Overview - Google Ads


Average CPC (UAC)

Impressions (UAC)

Cost (UAC)

Campaign Breakdown (Universal App Campaign)

Conversion Breakdown (Universal App Campaign)

Clicks (UAC)

Cost Per Installation CPI (UAC)

All Conversion Rate (UAC)

All Conversions (UAC)

Social Reports: 5

LinkedIn Social & Paid Report




Page Views

Engagement Rate


Impressions vs Unique Impressions

Unique Impressions

Total Page Views vs. Desktop Page Views vs. Mobile Page Views



Comment Mentions

Share Mentions

Total Unique Page Views vs. Unique Desktop Page Views vs. Unique Mobile Page Views




External Web Conversions



Viral Engagements

Likes / Shares / Follows / Comments

Viral Likes / Shares / Follows / Comments

One Click Leads

Viral One Click Leads

Landing Page Clicks

Instagram Report

Profile Follower Count

Profile Views

Daily Profile Website Clicks

Daily Profile Text Message Clicks

Daily Profile E-mail contacts

Daily Profile Phone Calls Clicks

Daily Phone Calls / Text Message Clicks / Get Direction Clicks Comparison

Facebook Social Report

Fans Count

New Fans

Total Reach and Frequency

Engaged Users / Page

Page Reach

Page Reach vs People who saw Page posts

People who saw Page Posts

All Page Impressions (Paid & Organic)

Organic Page Impressions

Age & Gender

Age & Gender

Page Likes - Top 45 Countries

Page Likes - Top 45 Countries

Page Likers - Top 45 Cities

Page Likers - Top 45 Cities

Languages - People who see page Content

Languages - People who see page Content

LinkedIn Social Report



Page Views

Engagement Rate


Impressions vs Unique Impressions

Unique Impressions

Total Page Views vs. Desktop Page Views vs. Mobile Page Views



Comment Mentions

Share Mentions

Total Unique Page Views vs. Unique Desktop Page Views vs. Unique Mobile Page Views

Agency Social Report

Facebook Social Segment


New Fans

Engaged Users

All Page Impressions

Organic Page Impressions

All Check Ins

Mobile Check-ins

People who saw Page content based on Gender and Age

People who saw Page content based on Country

People who saw Page content based on Gender and Age

People who saw Page content based on Country

People who liked Your Page based on Gender and Age

People who liked Your Page based on Gender and Age

People who liked Your Page based on Country

People who liked Your Page based on Country

People who liked Your Page based on City

People who saw Your Page Content based on City

LinkedIn Social Segment




Page Views


Impressions vs Unique Impressions

Unique Impressions



Comment Mentions

Share Mentions

Page Views vs. Desktop vs. Mobile

Instagram Social Segment

Profile Stats Overview


Profile views

Website clicks

Started conversations in DM's

E-mail contacts

Phone Call Clicks

Get Directions Clicks

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