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Admin and user permissions

Learn how to manage admin and user permissions in your Reportz account

Rad Basta avatar
Written by Rad Basta
Updated over a week ago

There are two roles for users in Reportz: Admin and User.

Admin can:

  • Create, Archive, and Delete dashboards

  • Add (unlimited number of users) and manage all current users in the account

  • Add or manage their payment details

  • Add or manage their subscription details

  • Connect new or manage currently added sources (integrations) 

User role is restricted, so they can: 

  • Create dashboards

But cannot:

  • Archive and Delete dashboards

  • Add, manage or see other users added to the account 

  • Add or manage payment on the Company settings page

  • Connect new or manage currently added sources (integrations) 

A User does not have the option to access the Account Settings page (in the main menu on the right) where all these additional settings are managed.

Which Access Level Should I Assign To My Clients?

Once the User is assigned to a role, they will have access to all the dashboards within the account. For this reason, we suggest you simply send live report links to your clients, without assigning them any role. With this live link, they will be able to view the report and edit the dashboard date range, but won’t have the same level of access (and editing privileges) as the User role.

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